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Oliver Hodgson

PHOTO SPECIAL: Copeland applauds the NHS and key workers

Jean Powe shows her appreciation in Gosforth PHOTO: Oliver Hodgson

Once again on Thursday, hundreds from Millom to Whitehaven stepped outside their front doors at 8 pm to show their appreciation to the NHS and frontline workers who are working tirelessly to tackle the Coronavirus crisis.

Cath and Jim Newton appluad the NHS PHOTO: Oliver Hodgson

A couple in Gosforth described these occasions as "very moving" and went on to add "it makes us proud to be British."

These nationwide minutes of appreciation are going to be taking place weekly - every Thursday throughout the crisis and it will continue to spread the love and appreciation for those in the NHS whom who we just couldn't be without.

A couple in Whitehaven PHOTO: Kaiden Meloy

The Atkinson's a family of keyworkers show their love in Gosforth PHOTO: Oliver Hodgson

A couple enjoy the weekly celebration. PHOTO: Kaiden Meloy

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