St Bees School’s Parent Feedback Report has revealed that the school is consistently achieving an ‘excellent’ standard in all aspects of parent and student experience.
Parents of children who attend the school – who range from 11 to 18 years old – were asked to complete a survey based on their experiences with the school, both as a parent and an onlooker of their children’s education and time within school.
The results showed that the school achieved an overall “excellent” response in all 49 questions that were put to the parent community. 100% of parents responded that they would recommend the school to others, and 95% agreed that the teaching standard was above average.
Furthermore, 100% of parents whose children board at the school agreed that their children are happy while boarding, as well as highlighting that communication between boarding staff and parents is ‘excellent’.
As an educational establishment working through a pandemic, this overwhelmingly positive feedback has been vital for the school to learn how they are handling these testing times in the eyes of those who matter the most – the students and their families.
“Having this feedback from our parent community is very important – especially as this school year has been far from normal due to COVID-19” says Headmaster, Roger Sinnett.
“It is especially humbling to hear that parents believe we are going above and beyond their expectations in educating and caring for their children. “
The report highlights just how well the school is performing, but has also given the Senior Leadership Team an insight into how they can improve for the future.
“Not only does this report highlight what we are doing excellently in the eyes of the parents, it has also give us the opportunity to evaluate what we can improve on to be even better.” Mr Sinnett continues.
“We encourage our students to constantly improve their work and their character development, but, as a school, we also need to continually improve, to be able to provide the best possible education and prepare our students for a successful future.”
The full report can be found on the school’s website here: https://www.stbeesschool.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Parent-Survey-Feedback-Autumn-2020-1.pdf