A brand new independent gift shop has opened in Whitehaven’s Market Place this month, bringing unique handmade gifts to the town centre, along with beautiful cards, accessories, and homeware.
Little Whims, opened in early August in one of the Market Place buildings that received funding to be renovated through Copeland Borough Council’s Townscape Heritage Initiative. Mike Starkie, Mayor of Copeland, said: “The Townscape Heritage Initiative has been a transformational scheme for Whitehaven and it is rewarding to see a long-term empty shop being brought back into use.
“Our historic buildings are some of Whitehaven’s biggest assets, and not only preserving but enhancing them is another major boost; both to the regeneration of the town centre and to assist the creation of new businesses.
"The Market Place area of town, for which the THI money was granted, has enjoyed a new lease of life thanks to this innovative scheme and we wish Little Whims all the best for the future." Lara Schwab, Owner at Little Whims is over the moon to finally be open: “I have been trading online since 2013, and my dream was always to open my own shop. The support so far has been amazing, and I am excited to finally be able to share not only my own products, but other gorgeous giftware that I have carefully selected to fit in with the style of my handmade gifts.” Lara has been selling her unique handmade gifts, including wooden name blocks, festive decorations, and various decorative products for some time via Facebook. She will continue to trade online, but the handmade produces will now also be available in the shop. Lara makes all the handmade products herself, and caters for many special occasions, including baby gifts, birthday presents and festive products. Her wooden letter blocks are one of her most popular products, and something she is very proud of: “I love spending time making the gifts. It makes me really happy to see photos that my customers have sent me of their Little Whim gifts on display in their homes.” Her new giftware range has been selected specifically to fit in with her own products, and includes products from Sass & Belle, Belo & Me and the very popular children’s products by Moulin Roty. The shop is open every day apart from Sundays, and full details can be found on the Facebook Page @littlewhimdesigns