COPELAND Council has now finalised the planting of floral tributes, to NHS and key workers.
Hundreds of blue Lobelia flowers and a rainbow of Begonia have been planted, by the Council’s Parks and Open Spaces Team, in Whitehaven, Cleator Moor, Egremont and Millom, accompanied by white stone lettering.
The tributes are located at:
The flower bed adjacent to the Marchon Club in Whitehaven
The Clock Hill area of Cleator Moor high street, opposite the town’s Age UK shop
The crab apple orchard site, opposite the cemetery at Egremont
The Palladium flower bed in Millom
Copeland Council’s Parks and Open Spaces team has carried out the work, with staff designing the tributes in house.
Whitehaven, Cleator Moor, Egremont and Millom Town Councils have supported the initiative.
Mike Starkie, Mayor of Copeland, said: “This is a great example of our employees showing their support for those on the front line.
“It’s fantastic to see the pictures of all the tributes finished in each town.
“As a council, our colleagues are working incredibly hard to maintain the vast majority of our services right now and our parks team has been instrumental in keeping our open spaces tidy, well-kept, and safe for the public to enjoy on their daily exercise routes.
“And these tributes are a testament to the hard work, selflessness, and commitment of the team and we hope that everyone enjoys and appreciates the efforts that have been put into the design, procuring materials and the planting and maintaining of the tributes.
“Thanks also goes to our four town councils for contributing towards the tributes.” Seascale Parish Council and St Cuthbert's Church also commissioned the Council to create a bespoke NHS tribute in their village.
Other Parish Councils who may wish to fund an NHS tribute in their area can contact the Council’s Parks and Open Spaces team at openspaces@copeland.gov.uk.