COPELAND Council wants to hear residents' views on Whitehaven Market. The street market was closed during the coronavirus pandemic, and the council is now taking the opportunity to reassess its operation. The market has seen falling numbers of stalls and shoppers in recent years. The council is running a survey to ask people how they would like to see the market development in the future. It is available at https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/PVYQYSX. Copeland Mayor, Mike Starkie, said: "We were of course forced to suspend Whitehaven market in light of the health crisis. But before we look to reopening it as before, we want to explore whether there might be ways of making the market more attractive, and more sustainable, going forward. "Times change, and it might be that we need to look at new ways of operating the market too. We're asking people what would attract them to shop at a market, whether products and location are important, and whether they want to see larger, seasonal events. This information will help us decide the best way forward." The online survey takes less than five minutes to complete, and closes at midnight on Sunday, August 30. People can also obtain a hard copy, or an emailed copy to print off at home, by emailing info@copeland.gov.uk. Printed copies should be returned to Andrew Clarke at Copeland Borough Council, Market Hall, Market Place, Whitehaven CA28 7JG.