Last Saturday (12th September) marked the first public session held by Cumbria’s newest entertainment business, Nerfscape.
The very first event held at St.Bees school saw members of the public take on the Nerfscape experience, ducking and weaving their way around the inflatable course armed with the latest in Nerf Dart weaponry. The first session was a huge success and thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended.
Nerfscape’s Founder and Director Luke said, “It’s certainly been a challenge launching a new business during this pandemic but we’re lucky enough that we can offer a socially distanced service with strict COVID-19 prevention measures in place. It was fantastic to see everyone having fun at our opening session on Saturday and we can’t wait to offer more sessions and services here in Cumbria.”
Nerfscape has overcome a number of challenges this year, with the prep work beginning in late 2019/early 2020. With the impacts of COVID-19 pushing the launch day further and further back, the Nerfscape team were delighted to finally invite players to try out the experience for themselves. After receiving fantastic feedback from everyone who attended, the team is more than optimistic for Nerfscape’s future and how the business and experience will develop.
The Open Sessions last an hour and are full marshalled by trained Nerfscape team members ensuring each game is fair and safe for all. In each session, you’ll find an array of lights and lasers, music and sound effects, obstacles and more. You’ll be kitted-out in our infamous war paint and of Nerf blaster shooting soft-tipped foam darts. Nerfscape has just launched in West Cumbria and is currently holding its Open Sessions in St.Bees but has big plans to expand in the near future, offering sessions and services across Cumbria and beyond.
The business is currently focused on delivering public Open Sessions band Private Sessions but will in time offer home-based experiences, bringing the action into your own backyard or home.