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Gosforth’s Simply Fresh delivers for the vulnerable

Oliver Hodgson

David Ancell PHOTO: Oliver Hodgson

As the current coronavirus pandemic socially distances us all and isolates many in particular those over 65, it certainly seems to be bringing out the best in us including David and his team!

Simply Fresh in Gosforth have started offering a home delivery alternative particularly there for those who are isolating. 

Milk, bread, sweets, drinks, cleaning products, and veg are all available through this service. The shop also provides a lot of prep for people including the preparation of veg and meat. 

David Ancell owner of Simply Fresh Gosforth commented, “It is great to be in a position to provide what is proving to be a very popular home delivery service but also it is lovely to provide for those who are more vulnerable and to know we are helping them limit their contact with others is just music to everyone’s ears!” 

This service enables those more vulnerable to ultimately not come in to contact with anyone or any surfaces which may transfer the virus such as a shop shelf or handrail. 

The process of placing an order has been made a great deal easier. Orders taken before noon are delivered the same day and orders are taken over the phone, through email and on Facebook.  

Actions are taken to limit any possibilities of the virus spreading, including no contact at all with the customer as payment is taken over the phone and a very high hygiene and cleanliness policy is in place and is taken very seriously. 

Co-owner Michelle Ancell is also trying to brighten everyone up with her positive messages posted daily on the social media channels, which encourages everyone to think positively and make the most of being at home. 

If you live within the Gosforth area including Seascale and Drigg the shop is happy to provide you with this service and more information can be found on their Facebook page or by emailing

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