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  • Oliver Hodgson

Six-year-old's fight against littering on the Cumbrian coast 

A mini-environmentalist has been leading the fight against littering by assembling her school friends for a coastline clean-up this week.

During lockdown six-year-old Sienna Wilson, from Salterbeck, Workington, noticed there was a lot of litter left around the Harrington shore area where she’d been walking with her family as part of their daily exercise. 

“One day she came back and was disgusted with the amount of cans and rubbish left and she just wanted to do something about it,” said mum Emma. 

The family then contacted the Workington Nature Partnership, a joint initiative between Allerdale Borough Council and Workington Town Council, about organising a litter pick. Due to the coronavirus restrictions Sienna had to wait a little while to make that request become a reality but on Monday (10th August) she was finally able get out on the shore and pick up some litter with some help from a small group of her friends from school. 

With the support of Workington Nature Partnership officer Raegan Blacker and some parents, Sienna and the group spent the morning collecting rubbish from the area with several bags-worth piled up at the end. 

Raegan said: “It was wonderful to see a group of people so young care so much about the environment. Littering in the area’s beauty spots is a concern but hopefully the efforts of youngsters like Sienna will encourage more people to think twice before dropping it in future.” 

The nature partnership has a range of volunteering opportunities across the sites it manages in Workington. They can be contacted through their Facebook page at

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