Confirmed for CBBC on 6 February at 5pm.
A local Mental Health activist will appear on CBBC this Thursday, on time to talk day 2020.
In this Newsround Special, 16 year-old Molly from West Cumbria sets out on a mission to learn about what she can do to keep her anxiety in check.
She meets other teenagers who have successfully battled against anxiety, as well getting advice from experts. Molly also meets fitness guru Joe Wicks to learn how fitness can be helpful.
By making changes to what she eats, getting more exercise, practising mindfulness, getting outdoors and using breathing exercises, can Molly improve how she feels and take control over her anxiety?
Pictured: Molly with Joe Wicks.
Molly is part of WE WILL’ who are a group of young people leading change in youth mental health across Cumbria and beyond. They are based in Maryport.
We will said “Noticing a gap in the provision of youth mental health services in their area and seeing so many families struggle to get help, we decided to join together and do something about it.”
”We have carried out research, worked alongside community leaders and businesses, taken our concerns to Westminster, lobbied health commissioners for better access to youth mental health services, undertaken youth mental health training (and inspired over 300 others in the community to do it too), helped set up mental health initiatives in our schools, made several award-winning films and campaigned tirelessly to change the way people think about youth mental health.”
“We have won several awards for our work including Golden Apples 2018 Education Awards Best Community Initiative and Best Youth Community Project at West Cumbria Community Heroes Awards 2018. We have also been awarded the Diana Award for Voluntary Service and have presented our campaign messages at several high-profile events across the county. In 2019 we were invited to meet the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and were able to talk to them about our campaign. We gave them a copy of their film ‘BOY’ which was later shared on the official Kensington Palace Instagram page.
We have enjoyed global media success with coverage in local, regional, national and international newspapers, both online and in print. One of our members worked with Newsround to present a CBBC documentary broadcast on Time to Talk Day and the group were featured in the programme.
All our activities have a common goal. We want young people and their mental health to be taken seriously.“
“We want young people to be a part of the solution, not the problem. And we want everyone to listen, better.”
For more info go to: www.ewanrigg.com/wewill